Hell Of A Racket


This could be any dark room on any dirty backstreet in any northern town.

This could be Leeds or Sheffield; this could be Glasgow or Blackpool.

This could be your town………..

Your Racket Club is what happens when people get bored with standing still, staring blankly at the band.
Your Racket Club is what happens when the band get sick of playing to an apathetic audience.

YRC is the ultimate mash up, the only place where you get to see your mates from across the road playing on the same stage as someone else’s mates from across the country.

Your Racket Club is the reason why you moved to this city in the first place. It’s the bands who’ve broken hearts in Leeds and Sheffield, who’ve set the crowd on fire in Glasgow and Blackpool swapping stories with the local boys; with The Veras and The Pedantics, with 28 Costumes and The Vagabonds, with The Neon Hearts and the CBs. This is our team sharing space with Rex Radio and Officer Kicks with The Priscillas and The Klaxons.

We know you don’t care about the length of their busses or the size of their deal. We know you don’t believe the crap their press person is spouting and we know you can see through the marketing bullshit.
We know you care about live music just as much as we do.

Your Racket Club is national bands playing down the local, only it’s not their local, it’s ours.

Your Racket Club launches October 7th at the legendary Zanzibar, Seel Street Liverpool. To mark the launch, DOGS, Little Ze and Jackafro will be breaking bread with our hosts, The Veras. It’s bread, but it’s very sweaty, noisy bread.

Only a mental would try buying tickets on the door, get your tickets in person at Probe records or from www.ticketweb.co.uk and do it quickly!

ps. Rough Trade's James Endicott will also be DJing!


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