The Music Of Our Youth!

We all know about Liverpool's musical history and we all love local music, its secretly amazing! But underneath all that is Liverpool's young musicicians. That's right Liverpool has a big underbelly of young musical talent and it's own fanbase.

MDA's (Merseyside Development agency) pioneering music service MZONE will be hosting the October Music Project from Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th October, which is a FREE creative project in music making like no other with exciting and innovative classes for anyone under the age of 18. All you need is your
own instrument/ voice and enthusiasm and MZONE will provide the rest!

Continuing to develop credible music making opportunities, the MZONE October Music Project has sourced high profile and renowned professional musicians to sharpen participants music and performance skills such as Dr Rachel Swindells of the Hallé who will be taking a new look at Javanese Gamelan (especially for rock drummers).

Muhammed Khalil will be talking blues and rap; Electric and acoustic fiddle will be taken by Simone from Barcelona based groups Andana & Les Violines; guitars with Carl Bowry and vocals with Steve Boyland. There will also be sessions to introduce innovations in traditional Irish music.

The event as part of National Music Week is designed to bring together young musicians at all stages of development with a shared commitment and enthusiasm for music, in an environment designed to encourage confidence and experience. October Music Project welcomes participants with varying degrees of experience, backgrounds ranging from being in an indie band or singing in a choir, play in a youth orchestra or a brass band, to be an aspiring rock guitarist, a pianist, a sax player, a folk fiddle player, a rapper or a nu-soul diva.

Director of MZONE, Wes Wilkie commented 'There is an abundance of musical talent in Merseyside and a phenomenal number of esteemed music teachers.' Our aim with the October Music Week is to provide people who are passionate about music and who want to opportunity to learn about other music genres and to develop their skills from established Music teachers.

This week long unique project is designed to do just that, giving people at all stages in their musical paths this opportunity.

The groups are small to maximize the potential of every individual and with only 70 places in total available, call MZONE now for your application form!

Workshops will take place on Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th October leading up to a performance in the Metropolition Cathedral Crypt on the evening of Thursday 26th at 6pm.

For more information please contact MZONE on 0151 707 4550 and ask for an application form.

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