Venues To Save The Mathew Street Festival

Bands who were due to play at this year's Mathew Street Festival are being given the chance to perform by Seel St venues Barfly and Zanzibar, hence the renaming of the festival to the Seel St. Festival.

Reports in today's Liverpool Echo and press releases from the Barfly confirm that up to seven venues will help house the shows. The Cavern is also thought to be involved in the rearrangement plans.

Barfly and Zanzibar are more used to competing with each other but the decision to move parts of the festival to Seel St. proves that in times of crisis differences are put aside and and people pull together.

The festival will now have an added stigma and a greater community vibe between they venues, promoters and volunteers as they join in the battle to save the cities largest central festival.

Bands wishing to play the FREE gigs at the Seel St. venues should contact offices on the numbers below:

Barfly 0151 707 6171
Zanzibar 0151 707 0633

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