My Captive Audience Is Your Captive Audience

After hearing their auspicious debut EP, I wanted to know a little more about My Captive Audience (MCA), the closest thing to both Verve and Oasis to come from the north since, well, Verve and Oasis! I got in touch with their singer Wayne Welch for a Q&A session.

Glasswerk: WHO would you like to take down, mid-concert, with your sniper rifle?

Wayne Welch: Peter Andre! Or any other untalented celebrities who get their fame off the back of cheesy reality programs.

GW: WHERE do you draw your inspiration from?

WW: We have many influences, not only from great bands such as the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Paul Weller/The Jam, but from films, literature and good old life experience.

GW: WHAT makes MCA worth following?

WW: In the short period of time the band has been together we’ve really bonded. We’ve got a really good vibe and believe we have potential to write strong meaningful songs. Hopefully, that’ll allow us to establish ourselves as a popular and respected band on the local Manchester scene as well as appealing to the general public.

GW: WHY What's your all time biggest Why question?

WW: Why can’t decent bands with acres of talent get their break? There are so many good Manchester bands, including us, that deserve to get signed.

GW: WHEN do you go to bed, more half nine with a half read paper or more half four with fully red eyes?

WW: Dom Turner (lead guitar & lyrics) doesn’t sleep; he’s an insomniac by choice! Matt Conway (rhythm guitar) goes when he’s out of Jack Daniels! Harry Lansley (drums) goes when he’s told! Lucas Rooney (bass) is constantly asleep like a dormant volcano! Me (vocals & lyrics), I just sleep when I need to!

GW:Thanks for your time Wayne! I’m sure it won’t be long before it happens for you guys.

You can witness the potentially massive MCA at any of their shows listed below:

The Whitworth in Manchester on Aug 25th.
Bar Amp in Sale on Aug 30th.
The Indie Night Project in Ashton Under Lyne on Oct 12th.

For all MCA info please visit: link

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