Karim Fanous - Stir Crazy
Album Review

Karim Fanous – Stir Crazy

Voted Glasswerk.co.uk’s best 2007 singer / songwriter, Karim Fanous presents his ‘Stir Crazy’ LP, a collection of poignant yet upbeat songs that lead the listener through an intricate montage of snapshots from KFs life.

Comparing himself with The Black Crowes and Joni Mitchell, this classically trained talent touches upon everything from pop to soul as he delivers his intimate, life, friendship and love inspired lyrics. His music is somewhat influenced by his ethnic diversity too, his searing ambition remains well below the radar of many and ultimately, KF offers up an intriguing tongue-in-cheek, melancholic blend of upbeat pop. Is it any good? Of course you dummy, he just won an award didn’t he!

His voice which irritatingly purrs and growls here and there, has a nasal Morrissey tinge that is predominantly restrained for the best, allowing for KFs open and free flowing vocal delivery to accompany an ever diversifying wall of well composed instrumentation. Songs reflect the pop sensibilities of The Beautiful South, The Proclaimers and maybe even Bryan Adams, whilst a thankfully present sullenness prevents KF from reaching the dreaded cheesy heights of sickening mainstream acceptability and grounds a sound that undeniably grows on you the more you listen.

KF is on the verge of launching his complex Music and Buildings project, a national campaign involving the ambience of buildings in relation to (that’s right you guessed it) music. Watch this space or visit the link below to find out more!

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