Jim Gellatly Wants Your Sound!

Tomorrow night (2nd) sees the return of Your Sound to King Tuts with XFM Scotland’s Jim Gellatly taking charge of the decks for this Christmas special. As usual things will get going from 4pm right through to 8 and rock and roll hopefuls can once again expect to receive only the best advice from industry insiders.

December's Your Sound will focus on giving unsigned talent tips on how to make it in music – this time on how to put together an effective demo, arguably one of the most crucial factors in breaking through.

Last months Your Sound saw Lou Hicky take the Artist Of The Month while the brilliantly named Zoey Van Goey and Juno! Vs Manda Rin were named runners up.

To be in with a chance of being playlisted, becoming a future Artist of the Month or to play the Your Sound Bandstand at Connect, log onto link, click on the Your Sound logo and take it from there!

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