Festivus MMVII

Festivus returns for its second year as the last Glasswerk.co.uk gig before 2008.

A host of local and national acts are already confirmed to play the three day event held at the Barfly, Liverpool.

Three days long and three stages each day, somewhere in the region of 52 bands will perform and make this growing event an integral part of the music calender in the city.

Local acts new and familiar perform throughout the Barfly on the 27th, 28th and 29th December in the build up to New Year and the build down from Christmas. It's that party week. Never thought you'd wear that party dress again? Need a reason to get the most out of your hired suit? Glasswerk.co.uk brings you the solution!

Soft Toy Emergency, are the bright new indie glowskulls, with their electro buzz they can make you dance and rock! No way! YES WAY!

Major Major are the best band in the world. Period. (Full stop in UK)

It's not a party unless 10 Reasons To Live are invited and they are always invited. Bringing rock 'n' roll and of course all the pretty girls. Wink winky winkety wink.

Watch out, its MC Devvo! Baseball caps? Tracksuits? Hoodies? Banging house tunes? and everybody loves it? You're having a laugh. No, it's f**king good! Check it out as Devvo headlines the loft on the 27th.

The full line up including a certain, wait for it, ETON ROAD! That's right, the real deal is back again to bring the gorgeous christmas cheer, a tear to the eye and a song to the lips. If you saw them before you'll want to enjoy it again. If you missed it last time round, DO NOT do it again. Go on give in to the temptation!

Loads of acts to be announced very, very soon.

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