Neil Diamond – Home Before Dark

Neil Diamond has been around for what seems like an eternity. Held in huge regard, Diamond is one of the world’s most revered and most successful song-writers of all-time.

Looking much leaner than ever it’s an evergreen return and rolling back his 67 years of age.
Working in collaboration with eclectic producer Rick Rubin for the second time he is back with ‘Home before Dark’ which consists of 12 brand new original songs. If anyone is expecting any ‘Jazz Singer’ refrains or bluster then don’t bother to invest in this album.

The album is back to basics and stripped down to a mainly acoustic sound throughout. Starting with the 7 minute opener ‘If I don’t see you again’ it’s a sombre episode of break-up. Jam packed with a number of verses it drags a little and is a touch on the superfluous side for my liking.

The album never really reaches any upbeat highs but Diamond is not afford to channel his songs down a route not necessarily akin to what most of his peers and fans would expect of him. It’s balls on the line time and is extremely powerful and intense in it’s delivery. I can see the late Johnny Cash tapping his foot in approval to what Diamond is doing here. Vocally if you like Tom Waits, Bill Callaghan and Stuart Staples then this might be right up your street.

The songs generally have a relationship theme throughout with diatribes of breakups, stories of love, happiness and contentment.‘No words’ is a fine piece of work and talks about a beautiful love that requires nothing to be said at all. “But what they say about me and you is better felt then said there are no’.‘The Power of Two’ is an anecdotal story about resisting the love of a close one whilst on the flip side begging for their return. It’s a heart on the sleeve, touching ditty and completely baring it’s soul.

The closing finale is the album title track and for me slightly disappointing as it’s maudlin and painfully one paced compared to the other 11 tracks. However I do like this album – stick it on late at night when you’re on your own with the lights out and listen to the beauty in the lyrics and you’ve got something special here!

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