Ever Since The Lake Caught Fire - A Fire Born In Dallas
Album Review

Ever Since The Lake Caught Fire – A Fire Born In Dallas

With a strum and a timed cymbal in we go. Into anarchy that is. At first you might think that the odd guitar here might be off tune, or maybe the odd note was plucked out of sync. Nope. It’s all part of the mad rush of noise that is A Fire in Dallas. It isnt the most subtle of songs out there and they might want to sort the sound recording out just a tad! But otherwise this one is for the angry Emo crowd. Lyrics to jump to and scream along with.

The second track is even more of the same. What the band does have that stands out is one of the more bizarre band names in a while. Not to mention the titles of their songs! Maybe they have something artistic to offer us except perpetual racket.

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