Young Knives – Dyed In The Wool

Let’s be honest, Young Knives were never that special. Their biggest hit, ‘Weekends and Bleak Days (Hot Summer)’ was actually fairly weak, and there was definitely a sense of the emperor’s new clothes about their mystifying success.
‘Dyed in the Wool’ shows the band up as the average indie lot that they are. The single is nothing special, a forgettable indie-by-numbers offering which has the requisite verse-chorus structure without any real spark. Ironically, the removal of the ‘The’ prefix from Young Knives’ name coincides with the adoption of a more mainstream sound associated with the ‘The’-band culture. What the trio fail to realise is that, when you look past the eccentricities of the public image which brought them to prominence, they don’t have much to offer.

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