With such a cheaply produced and morbid looking album cover you’d half expec to hear some death metal. Thankfully it’s something altogether a bit more brooding than solely demon summoning rock. Taking cues from traditional rock, Gothic cultures and even the ethereal, this sometimes swaying rock attempt from Redemption unnamed is lacking a few skills. The recording itself is more demo material than finished product (or so one hopes). A band in need of a sound engineer is a band in desperate need indeed!
Lead vocals are well ntentioned but they also need a steady bit of work if they are going to front the band. Even the growling metal aspects become very laughable. Cringe worthy bands are quite often embarrassing themselves on stage, but to record it takes the level of embarrassment to a new level.
A quick dash back tpo the drawingboard for this one and a bit more practise might make the band ready to take the world on again.