dog years – frankenstein songs

Twenty tracks is a lot to take in. Your immediate reservation is whether a band can prolong talent, freshness and even a sense of togetherness for such a length of time. Is it all going to sound like a huddled crammed mess, or will it be an extravagant opus.

Well things start off basic enough with an intro song that isn’t going to linger in anyone’s minds for long. A step up is acoustical 60s trip ‘Nothing to No one.’ Again it won’t set minds aglow, but it is a much more cheerful and memorable tune.

Sadly it continues like this for a while. Songs start to embed themselves in each other and we end up with a very repetitive sounding album. The tunes are good, but the quantity should have been stripped right down to half easy.
What helps them get away with it is that most of the tracks are very short.

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