Autons – Who Do You Think You Are Kidding

David, Ray and Tony Auton bring a lively bounce to their electronic indie pop gone crazy. What makes their music work so well is the fact that they make it so effortless. Be this due to being siblings, or just cause they are natural talents at creating what seems like easy music.

While some songs are frantic attacks of the sense, they have time for quieter fare like the ‘Runaway Train.’ The middle of the album is where they do most of their frantic experimenting. Where some tunes push conventions ‘Sleepwalker’ on the other hand walks a more traditional commercial friendly path. And then there is a very Beatles influenced (nice to see a band influenced by these lads for a change) ‘Don’t Break the Spell’. The spiralling ‘Election Singer’ and the majestic ‘Ferris Wheel’ close proceedings leaving you with an almost uneven yet enjoyable listening experience.

There is a definitive split between the types of tracks that build a reputation and those that simply sell records. Pray for the former in the Auton’s future.

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