
Yes Glasswerk being finger on the pulse kind of guys and gals have now swerved Facebook, its old news; it’s all about the Twitter now.

I think the general idea is that you subscribe/follow a person on twitter and you get to enjoy all their blog updates throughout the day. Basically any kind of nonsense that they decide to let loose on the world – it’s a longer word count version of Facebook status updates… which is pretty much the only reason I use Facebook at all anyway.

Also on the plus side it doesn’t seem that twitter reads your every word – scanning it for hidden subversive messages allowing the CIA and FBI to assess for terrorist activity. So other than the fact that it is on the interweb, your messages are vaguely private.

So anyway join us on twitter. We promise to not actually flood your inbox with silly nonsense, just news, reviews, interviews and other musical related info. Its just convenience to save you actually having to browse the web – get notified when we put something cool up on le website, simple!

This is us here – link


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