Space Singer Talks About April Fool Hoax

Former Space singer Tommy Scott has spoken out for a second time about whoever it was that sent an April Fool email claiming that he had died.

A fake press release was sent out earlier this week, pretending to be from Scott's current label Antipop Records, and claiming that he had expired from heart failure at the age of 37 on 31 Mar. The musician, now performing with The Drellas, immediately reacted angrily when local radio reported on his supposed death, saying “I can't say how angry I am about this. I'm alive and well, but to have my mum believing I was dead was beyond a joke. I just can't believe this has happened. The phone hasn't stopped, but now we just want to find out who is responsible. There's going to be hell to pay”.

Now he's told The Liverpool Echo about the impact it had on his family. Scott said: “I'm devastated. The first I knew my mum was on the phone in bits. She'd heard it on the radio and couldn't get through on the phone to me at first. As far as she knew, I was a dead man. My aunties all came round, my sisters were in tears. The whole family thought I was dead, and I didn't know anything about it. The only saving grace was that I was with my wife, so she was spared the upset. My little daughter was with us, watching the TV. She doesn't know anything about it – and I don't want her to. I don't want her to even think her daddy could be dead. She'd be terrified”.

He added that the culprit is yet to be identified: “They're investigating now to find out who did this – and why. I can't understand why anyone would do something like that, particularly so close to the Hillsborough anniversary. These jokers ought to be thinking about people who actually died in tragic circumstances, not hurting innocent people like this. There are real people who die every day from heart failure and this just makes a mockery of them. My mum, well my whole family, are still upset. I'm gutted. I really am”.

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