Latitude Interviews Part 2: SharpWire

Here's the second instalment of our Latitude interviews…

SharpWire are international cellist/singer/theatre performer, Matthew Sharp, transatlantic writer/composer, Pete M Wyer and executive producer Fiona O'Mahony. Here Fiona O'Mahony takes time out for a chat.

Who are you most looking forward to seeing at this year's Latitude festival across the Arenas (Obelisk, Uncut, Comedy, Theatre, Literary and
Poetry, Film & Music) and why?

Will tuckett's Faeries. He has just directed our show Finkelstein's Castle and will be good to hang out, drink beer oh and see his show of course.

What aspect of Latitude Festival interests you the most and why?

'Going down to the woods today' in seach of a big surprise.

What can people expect you to bring to the festival and do you have anything special planned?

Fantastic, utterly unique, mind-meltingly multi-tasking shows, a big yellow sleeping bag and a 24 pack (is this allowed?)

If you weren't doing this what would you be doing?

Weeping, wailing, bemoaning…or at home staying dry

What do you always bring to a festival?

Baby wipes and my butler!

Do you have any festival tips for those in attendance at Latitude?

Go down to the woods in search of a big surprise!

What is your favourite colour Sheep?

Bleach blonde.

SharpWire play the outdoor thetre at Latitude which takes place between the 16th – 19th July.

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