Elliot Minor - Electric High
Album Review

Elliot Minor – Electric High

How often do you hear someone struggling in an argument about a band they like, saying “Yeah, they may sound a little forced, corny and insincere, but least they write their own songs”?

Well, as Elliot Minor try to create a cruising, hovering vocal spiked and teen-rock spirited ‘Electric High’ in preparation for 2nd album ‘Solaris’ (released October 19th). Their fans may need to use the above saying to defend this topsy-turvy, lazy melody using and forlorn vocal echo relying jaunt that acts as a plea to nothing, really.

Lead man, Alex Davies has shown to have vocal versatility and with deeper and more meaningful lyrics and a little more guitar bite. Elliot Minor is capable of smoothing out the edges from the raw melody engaging debut album.

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