Black Gold - Rush
Album Review

Black Gold – Rush

‘Rush’ is the debut album from Black Gold (Than Luu and Eric Ronick). This is one of those albums that will take a while to get into and then you will really enjoy listening to. As the songs begin, there is nothing wrong with the tracks but nothing that catches your attention or makes you think that this is something new that you haven’t heard before.

The opener ‘Detroit’ includes drums, acoustic guitars and strings but even though the chorus is much more powerful, there is nothing that sticks out as being memorable. Likewise, the proceeding track ‘Plans and Reveries’ is somewhere between a ballad and an upbeat track with a speedy centre but it flows by without catching your attention, except maybe for the chorus which even with the beautiful piano melody doesn’t really inspire enthusiasm. If this beautiful consistency had been created throughout the song it would have made a difference and magical things may have occurred.

As the album continues things do tend to shape up a bit. Choruses become more enjoyable and sing a long friendly (‘Breakdown’), the vocals show their full strength (‘Silver’) and generally they become livelier, bouncier and much more pleasing to listen to, especially where all sounds complements each other. The album closes with two ballad type tunes. The first ‘Canyon’, has a slower rhythm with keys and is vocally projected with honestly; the harmonies add a lovely effect. The second, ‘After the Flood’ has a beautiful piano melody. Having two album two best tracks closing the record seems a bit of a waste, but does close the record nicely.

This album is one that will grow on you. It may take a while to fall into the tracks, but be assured, it does get better the further you listen.

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