Wolfmother - Cosmic Egg
Album Review

Wolfmother – Cosmic Egg

If you like progressive rock,the 70’s, screeching and shredding fronted by a walking wig in flares and attitude then Wolfmother’s Cosmic Egg is the album for you.

If you like egg puns, complete indifference to rock and rants about the pastiche world of music, then this is the review for you.

There are many things that I don’t like about Cosmic Egg.

First, it’s name. It sounds like something a space-cook would make on a Sunday, completely bizarre and the type of dross that song-generator.com would consider “too silly” to suggest. Secondly, the content is a crooked, spineless attempt to tap into a retro-market, to make people grow their hair long and strap a two-headed guitar around their necks. Thirdly, at times the music is so perfect for Wolfmother’s target market that I half expect a lot of people to wrap that guitar around their necks like demons of “rock”. Surely to be strangled by guilt and nylon?

I do like one thing about the album though, behind the songs not big enough to fill a stadium but too scary to be heard at a wedding, it’s name lends itself to some puns that manage to close a review, with sufficient efficiency.

It’s no yolk (HA!) Wolfmother’s latest album is scrambled (HA!) and boiled (HA!) beneath on a pan of overEGGSagerated (HA!) guitar solos and lyrical mistakes. In truth its left Wolfmother with egg on their face…hands, arms, legs, feet and upper body.(HA!HA!)

I only hope that the Wolfkids are not subjected to Cosmic Egg on car journeys, that would be the real tragedy.

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