The Guilded Palace Of Sin - You Break Our Hearts
Album Review

The Guilded Palace Of Sin – You Break Our Hearts, We’ll Tear Yours Out

The Guilded Palace of Sin are like the best of Americana folk tale tellers. Almost like a cabaret show wanting to tell us tales with each song, constantly changing their tone as they progress, this album is a road show for the curious of mind.

A similar feat was already achieved with the recently released Black Tape for a Blue Girl release which was even darker and more cabaret-esque than this. But the feel is of the same. It’s a venture into the unknown of a darker side of life.

Perhaps if they had maybe got in the odd guest vocalist it would have made it seem even more ensemble like, but the overall effects of the album are quite enthralling. Fans of the darkly different may find treasures hidden within the depthful song writing and music skills buried deep within this release.

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