The Get Up Kids - Simple Science
Album Review

The Get Up Kids – Simple Science

It may seem strange for an established name like the Get Up Kids to release just 4-tracks upon their return to the limelight, after a long career (and a long break). However, it’s a deliciously succinct way to show how their sound has progressed and a successful disassociation with their prominent role in the 90s emo scene.

With an enviable vocal range enveloped in electro beats, this is certainly a departure from what fans may expect (though comparisons may well be drawn with their later recordings On A Wire an Guilt Show). From start to finish, it sounds like aliens arriving, exploring and departing planet earth.

The first half of the EP is unignorably upbeat. First and strongest track, Your Petty Pretty Things, which starts and ends with unintelligible speech, has an enjoyably alliterative title and a bassline The Strokes would be proud of. Keith Case leaps into action with a distorted and disorienting opening riff which are then teamed with raw vocals to give it a rock edge.
The second half is more relaxing – Tommy Gentle, as the title suggests, is a softer sound with bittersweet lyrics and final track (thought perhaps a touch excessive at six minutes) is a dreamy song with echoes of electropop heroes The Postal Service.

It’s a triumphant and pleasantly surprising comeback which will see them welcomed warmly back into the music world.

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