Harper Simon - Harper Simon
Album Review

Harper Simon – Harper Simon

Not only does he share half the same name as the man but he certainly possesses a similar sound to that of Paul Simon. Harper Simon’s self titled album is a great country folk record.

Opening track ‘All to God’ is a deep and moving track. Slow and moody, the emotion can be clearly heard throughout. The easy and not too over distorted guitar compliments the track by giving an extra element of power and the vocal harmonies towards the end add a disturbing feel.

I spoke about Paul Simon earlier and the man makes an appearance by collaborating in ‘Tennessee.’ The images of the American state with its upbeat acoustic rhythms and undeniably country style fills. Other songs of a similar upbeat country style come in the forms of ‘Cactus Flower Rag.’

Tracks such as ‘The Audit’ or ‘The Shine’ are the less upbeat tracks of the release but they both have a strong presence. The feeling throughout both the slow to mid paced tracks can be felt strongly and the vocal harmonies and changes are pretty powerful.

Harper Simon’s self titled release is a fantastic record which is upbeat in places but slows down when the time is right. Good stuff.


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