Ellie Goulding - IndigO2
Live Review

Ellie Goulding – IndigO2, London

For a lady whose following has increased massively, and who is having an extraordinary year, this gig was one to tick off as a success.

This gig was put on by online entertainment retailers Best Buy, and the tickets were free, which made the audience and interesting bunch, but led to an interesting night. Some resident DJs opened up the gig, which is something I never understand, playing early on a week night to an audience who aren’t really there to dance, and dance they did not.

Ou est le Swimming Pool had their shot later, and they’re very good. Not much stage presence, but a set list that would keep any a&r rep happy, sounding like Friendly Fires, meets The Cure, if you can fathom what I mean there.

Eventually Ellie takes the stage, and seemingly modest she launches into a set including the majority of her album. She did stop part way to do a cover, no not of Passion Pit’s Sleepy Head, or even anything that 97% of the audience had heard of, but Roscoe by Midlake. Coming on for a self started encore (who has to get their band to start chanting Ellie for them!?) she wacked out the singles at the end. I must admit I admire her, and she could even be my girl crush for 2010, Brit award, multi talented, and a sound on stage that almost sounds record made over produced. It did bring about the question is it live, but according to @elliegoulding’s Twitter it all was. I made her increase in my estimations then, how to get a sound so layered and perfect. What a great night, a perfect start to the week, you couldn’t ask for anything better on a Monday night!

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