Best Coast - Cargo
Live Review

Best Coast – Cargo, Shoreditch London

Hot, sticky and packed a punch…no not a bad take-away curry but summer favourites Best Coast.

A certain excitement surrounded this latest band to grace the stage at Shoreditch’s intimate venue Cargo. With the event sold out Best Coast were certainly in the spotlight with high expectations from critics and fans alike.

With their debut album, ‘Crazy For You’ released on that very day the crowd were ready and hyped to hear a set that brought their hotly anticipated 60’s reinvented pop album to life; and this is exactly what Best Coast did.

As soon as the LA trio walked onto the stage they were met with a wave of cheers with front woman Bethany Cosentino bringing on an air of suspense and intensity. Her persona, complete with an array of tattoos, is similar to that of Courtney Love, a woman who Beth draws inspiration from. She instantly captivates you with a voice that is nothing short of mesmerising.

Songs were simple, sweet and to the point with each one lasting no more than three minutes each with the occasional cover (two in total) and re-arrangement of a few album tracks thrown into the mix. With single and fan favourite ‘When I’m With You’ getting the best response.

With a sudden shift in tempo this was a gig of two halves: the first being mellow, relaxed soft-pop that Best Coast have captured so well, and the second: a chance for the band to let loose and show their darker side. A side that suited Beth so well, she was able to showcase her husky tones and let the rock chick come to life.

The venue although ridiculously hot allowed interaction with the crowd and highlighted a charm that this band has created with the help of distorted guitars, simple drumbeats and sugar coated heartfelt lyrics.

Tonight Best Coast were versatile and precise and more importantly showed Shoreditch how to have fun.

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