Jimmy Carr: Making People Laugh Review

Jimmy Carr’s story is a familiar one in comedy: the meteoric rise to stardom, followed by total ubiquity, oversaturation and then the inevitable backlash. Things have levelled out though and he remains a hugely popular act. This DVD, his sixth (and surely the logical conclusion of his smartypants continuous titling system), was recorded at a sold-out night in Glasgow and serves as evidence, if any was needed, that the comedian still has it.

You know what you’re getting with Jimmy Carr – a polished set of terse one-liners, delivered with his trademark smug, ironic detachment. Always the consummate professional, he eschews improvisation – bar a handful of succinct heckler comebacks – in favour of apparently rigorously rehearsed material that’s always perfectly timed. There’s always been a shock element to his schtick, which remains uniquely effective in spite of the current vogue for outrageousness in stand-up: his method of plunging from seeming innocuous feedline into outright offensive punchline is the strongest string to his comedic bow.

Adam Richardson

This release is out 8th November.

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