Rhod Gilbert And The Cat That Looked Like Nicholas Lyndhurst Review

Much like last year’s brilliant … And The Award Winning Mince Pie, this show from Rhod Gilbert comes in the form of a fictionalised account of a year in the Welsh comic’s life. Gilbert’s stock in trade is high-octane anecdotage, aided by a well-honed knack for finding the absurd in life’s trivialities.

There’s something of the Lee Evans in Gilbert’s style, as he thrashes energetically about the stage while delivering his madcap rants. The sense of indignation and frustration that underlies much of Gilbert’s set is infectious. Although seemingly rooted in real-life experience, Gilbert’s stories quickly take gleefully surreal turns – highlights include a trip to buy a hoover that gets a bit out of hand and some lengthy rumination on the evolutionary merit of the panic-induced erection. Despite the seeming spontaneity of the material, there’s a definite story arc – in which the meaning behind the odd title is eventually revealed – and Gilbert shows his writing skills by gathering the disparate threads via clever callbacks.

Gilbert is a truly unique voice in today’s stand-up climate: a magnificent storyteller with a singular gift for original observation. This could be his most accomplished outing to date.

Adam Richardson

This release is out 15th November.

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