Trojan Horse - Trojan Horse
Album Review

Trojan Horse – Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse
1. The hollow wooden horse in which, according to legend, Greeks hid and gained entrance to Troy, later opening the gates to their army.
2. A progressive rock band from Salford, Manchester.

Even though their styles are far apart Trojan Horse share one common similarity with The Mystery Jets. That similarity is the previous inclusion of their father in the band who had also produced the records. Let’s not drift away however.

Inside the Trojan Horse is a totally new world. Forget the war that’s happening outside. Focus more on the one that’s happening on the inside. You’ll be thrashed about by the static eccentricity of Mr Engels Says or Laces and Racists which use their heavy drop tuned guitars to beat down on you like Thor’s Hammer. Sure there are moments of calm but that’s only to lure you into a false sense of security. Disciplining the Reserve Army is the mischievous Pied Piper of Hamelin hyped up on several doses of LSD. If that’s not enough to wrap your head around, the bi- polar nature of the record will send shock waves through the irregular changing styles of Patricroft Ways and the off rhythm syncopated post rock influenced Sex and Sixth Eights.

Trojan Horse are the band that will give the sense of security to Manchester and cause all hell once inside.


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