New Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer

Yes another trailer for the final Harry potter outing!

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2” will be released worldwide in cinemas and IMAX, in 3D and 2D, beginning July 15, 2011.

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

var video_options = {};
video_options.autoPlay = ‘false’; // set to ‘true’ to automatically start playing
video_options.poster = ‘’;video_options.thinkjam_id = ‘f5873fa170786176fa6d8e90123ded42’; video_options.thinkjam_q = ‘hi’; video_options.width = 600; video_options.height = 256; thinkjam_embed(video_options);

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