Introducing: Githead

Introducing: Githead

Post-punk supergroup Githead are performing at Drill : Brighton this weekend so what better time than now to introduce you to them.

Featuring the mighty Colin Newman (Wire), Malka Spigel and Max Franken (Minimal Compact) and Robin Rimbaud (Scanner), the band have recently revealed the second single to be taken from their new album ‘Waiting for a Sign’, out December 8th on swim~.

You can check out ‘Not Coming Down’ below – a moody, hypnotic throb that builds into a Mancunian-tinged swagger and leaves a lingering taste of LSD firmly on the tongue, waves of melody wash gently back and forth until the song eventually consumes itself in a flurry of psychedelia.

“There were no songs. Nothing,” says Spigel of creating the new album “We didn’t talk about it at all, we just stood in a room and played.”

Newman adds:
 “How the material turned out is at least in part because there was no plan as regards the actual music. The time in the studio was simply the frame; there was no discussion at all as to what kind of thing we’d be playing.”

Stream ‘Not Coming Down’ here as a portent of things to come from the quartet:

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