Introducing: KrakKrak

Introducing: KrakKrak

KRAK KRAK are a new Brighton-based band featuring ex Eighties Matchbox B Line Disaster drummer Rob Ling.

Their debut 6 track EP will be released by Sonic Anhedonic on February 23rd and will be available as a limited edition handprinted silk screen and download.

We thought long and hard about trying to describe what they’re like and then gave up, but then we realised it was our job to describe it. Thanks guys, really making this one easy. The closest we could get was Mclusky covering The Transplants, but then their slurring punk breaks into a Pantera riff and throws all your preconceptions out of the window.

Krak Krak pretty much do what they say on the tin, in quite a thrilling way. MORE PLEASE.

Stream ‘Burnt at The Stake’ here:

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