Go To Sziget Festival And Visit Cultural Hot Spots

Go To Sziget Festival And Visit Cultural Hot Spots

Sziget Festival once again welcomes visitors from the entire continent and all over the world from 10th to 15th August 2011. As for the last 18 years, the event will provide a versatile and multi-cultural program in the heart of the Hungarian capital. For 2011 Sziget Festival will also introduce a new service that includes the possibility of using public transport, visiting spas and discovering other cultural facilities of the city for a reduced price.

For the last couple of days some worrying news hit the media concerning debates between the newly elected mayor of the city and the festival organizers. The main subject of talks was the irrational rental fee that the mayor wanted to claim for the territory of the festival.

’After long negotiations we managed to come to an agreement with the lord mayor, so 2011 will be another great year for all fans visiting our event’ – organisers announced reassuringly.

Sziget Festival 2011 will include all the features that make this event so special year after year: 200-250 programs daily and non-stop, including concerts, parties, street theater and a lot more. Besides the versatile program structure, the 2011 festival also offers new services to its visitors. Now there will be a chance to visit the world famous Turkish spas of Budapest, to use the city’s complete public transport system and discover many other cultural features of the Hungarian capital for reduced prices. Season-tickets for these additional services will be available at Sziget Festival’s ticket retailers and any other vendors.

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