Annie Mac Presents Tour- Third Episode

The Annie Mac Presents tour is getting crazier and crazier as each night goes by. And this 3rd full episode of the tour shows just that.

Its up now on Coming from Bournemouth's 2020, Brighton's Digital and Liverpool's Chibuku, you'll get to see Annie in a boat; Annie crowdsurfing; Erol Alkan interviewing Annie; Annie interviewing Heartbreak, Little Boots, The Whip; some backstage antics with Busy P and Xavier from Justice; and the unveiling of Fakeblood!!!, plus live footage and a new section titled the Badly Dubbed Clubber section…. Check it out!

Featuring interviews and live footage from the mighty EROL ALKAN, HEARTBREAK, LITTLE BOOTS, DJ MEHDI, THE WHIP, FAKEBLOOD, BUSY P. IT'S A HOUSEFUL!

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