the anomalies –

Does anyone remember Credit to the Nation? They were a one man attack against racism and bigotry and had 5 mins of fame with their single ‘call it what you want’

‘Old skool’ in terms of arrangement and the rap style is reminiscent of that. Fusing electro beats with a slightly fuzzy guitar behind it. This a tirade of what sounds like a school friendship that fell apart to such a degree that the singer even claims ‘you don’t even know my name’ and revolves around a chorus ‘you don’t come around anymore’. It strikes of bitterness and in the break up verse it even namechecks Madness’ ‘baggy trousers’. Comparing their respective fathers as ‘John Rambo’ against ‘commando’ it’s certainly amusing lyrically in parts, but I am unsure where anomalies are aiming their target market. Until they have mapped this out they could just meander in the rap/rock wilderness!!

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