Zombina and the Skeletons Bare Their Bones

The latest release from the graveyard watchers 'Taste the Blood of Zombina & the Skeletones' is still available from your local record stores. You can also order it from Ectoplastic Records, 15 Greenwood Road, Allerton, Liverpool L18 UK. They have a number of gigs coming up including playing at an AIDS benefit gig at the RAOB club in Runcorn.

Future gigs include their own night ,Useless, at the Zanzi Bar on the 26th November were they will be facing a duel off between themselves and brummie based tour Robannas, as they some how managed to double book the venue. In any case it £2 to get in for a six band feast, doors 7pm. The final Useless of the year on the 10th December sees a death party with live sets from APATTs electropop/ROCK outfit All Day Glow, killer punk chicks (and their devil), Flamingo 50 and party action like silent movies and a couple of kung fu guys.

Other dates in Zombina's diary include a workshop at St. Edwards School doing a punk seminar, which sounds Skeletonesey bizarre, and also a plum date supporting Goldblade at Inner City Sumo on the 14th December.

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