Bang Your Ead Ere (link) started it's humble beginnings as Wigan's premier free music fanzine. An abundance of news, reviews, listings and profiles pleased many a Wiganer for quite some time – thanks to John Togher – Wigan's number one music guru and eclectic DJ at The Lux's Northern Lights showcase every Friday.
The concept has now moved on to include a comprehensive website (link) with interviews, features, releases, listings plus many more Wigan / North-west treats.
Now Bang Your Ead Ere presents it's first live event – CANNIBALISM.
Get yourselves to The Tavern in Wigan on Saturday, Nov 15th for some musical bliss:
AYANAMI (playing Dec 7th 12 Festival)
The Suzukis
Andrew Bain
Doors 8.30pm, just £3.