From Mutton Bird To Marshmallow Man

Marshmallow is Alan Gregg, former bass player and songwriter for New Zealand acoustic heroes the Mutton Birds. The name Marshmallow seems spot-on; picture Ray Davies, daydreaming in provincial New Zealand rather than suburban London.

The self titled album went on limited release last year to widespread critical acclaim; expect big tunes and little stories, with guitars that go jingle jangle and harmonies that chime. Like a lot of the best pop music, the songs on the album seem simple on the surface, but reveal more upon closer inspection.

Marshmallow (Alan Gregg) releases his album on 31st January and single 'Casting Couch' on Feb 7th 2005.

Marshmallow will be playing on Thursday February 10th at Parker Place in London.


Thursday 10 February '05
Parker Place
51 Parker Street
London WC2B 5PS
(1 minute from Holborn tube)
Ph: 020 7328 7298
Tickets: link
£5.50 entry

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