Headland – download releases and tour

For all those looking for something a little bit special to ease you into the summer, Headland aim to give you just what you need.

'Monster in a Shirt' is the first single from Headland's second album, a well crafted electro-rock gem which is accompanied by a Headland vs Agent Sumo remix.

'Monster in a Shirt' will be the first in a procession of bi-monthly download releases, culminating in the album in its entirety. Using what can only be described as futuristic and extraordinary super tubes, Headland will deliver these releases directly into the computers and other such technological gadgetries of the public.

Tom, Tom, Tom, Seb and Mary make Headland. Public performances will take place at The Luminaire, again bi-monthly like the releases. Much frivolity is predicted, and these bi-monthly evenings of high-end entertainment will be named CHOC ICE, complete with 1950s ice-cream-selling ladies.

Check out the band here:

www.headlandmusic.org / link

Thurs 22 June CHOC ICE – The Luminaire, LONDON

Sat 15 July MEET THE GREEK – Nektar, Latimer Rd, LONDON

Thurs 03 August ELECTROGOGO Madame Jo Jo's, LONDON

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