The Veras cause a Racket!

Taking advantage of some excellent contacts and the inability to take no
for an answer, Liverpool-based band The Veras, with a little help from industry whores JUNO, have lined up a line-up that's better than a line-up with Jenna Jameson.

Kicking off proceedings with Dogs (I shit you not) and some amazing support from 1969's Jack Afro and Little Ze, YOUR RACKET CLUB aims to be the dancing ground between big fat gigs where you get to see bands with tour buses as well as those perfect local nights where you're not only guaranteed to cop but also and, some would say more importantly, you're reminded why you've stayed in Liverpool all these years (and let's face it, we need reminding).

YOUR RACKET CLUB is local knowledge and national contacts, filling the sainted Zanzibar with all that is good and right with new music, up here and down there.

An amazing night in store….. just what the doctor ordered and ready to greet the new wave of students coming into the city; those tank top wearing school boys won't know what has hit them!

A great event to kick Liverpool into gear once more. The night will prepare the city for Liverpool Music Week (which comes around again in November) where The Veras will be hosting another very special Your Racket Club; rumours are rife about who will be playing, but my money is on 'The View'.

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