Norton Interview

We caught up with London rockers Norton prior to the release of their new album in 2007 for a quick chat and to find out a bit more about the band. Here's what singer Ross [centre] had to say:

Where did the name come from? A character in a novel that our ex-guitarist was reading way back in 1999. ‘Captain Norton’. Thought we would drop the ‘Captain’ only to find out that there are thousands of things called Norton! [motorbike manufacturers and anti-virus companies] Love the name now and would fight to the bitter end for it.

Who are you music icons and influences? I am heavily influenced by singers (funny that!). My all time greats? Fiona Apple, Jeff Buckley, Bono, Thom Yorke, Louise Rhodes, Sinead O’ Connor, Elvis Presley. If they have a great/unusual/exciting voice I will usually dip in and get into the band that way.

Weirdest place you have heard your tune? The Dating Channel (don’t ask why I was on it!! Long story!!!)

What’s the best thing about being in a band? You mean other than the hard work, the time away from family and friends, the financial commitment, the stage fright and the complete feeling sometimes of a complete lack of confidence in anything that you do? Then it would have to be the feeling that you get when you write a really good tune with some of the closest friends that you have and when you play to an outsider they think it is the best thing since sliced bread. That is a buzz. The feeling (once the stage fright is subsiding) that you get when you play to a packed out crowd and everybody is jumping/dancing/singing with you. There is no buzz like it.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen on tour, thus far? Thor creating some form of amp/musical instrument from an abandoned Henry hoover. It actually worked too – genius.

What bands are you into at the minute? I go through stages and I have currently found myself back in a Smith’s zone at the moment.

Who is your favourite robot? Bender, Futurama.

You can hear their single 'Monday to Friday' and read about the band here: link

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