Music to fall in love to…

If you believe what you read on myspace Switches are ‘music to fall in love to, dance to, shake your head to, shake your feet to, make some toast to, count to two hundred and twenty two to, clap your hands to, snap your cards to, drink a drink to…’ So, if you wanna find out if this is true Switches are playing, Boiler Room – Guilford on the 6th March, Korova – Liverpool 12th April and Underground- Southport 14th April.

Switches formed at college in Guilford, when Matt e-mailed all the students over the intranet and formed the band from the respondents he liked, without even hearing them play first. This resulted in four guys coming together and creating a sound that’s seen them compared to Weezer and have support slots with the likes of Graham Coxon. So go check 'em out –it’ll be worth it!

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