Glasswerk favorite Stephen Fretwell releases his new single 'Scar' on September 3rd. The up-beat and optimistic 'Scar' precedes the release of his new album 'Man On The Roof' on September 10th. Recorded in New York with producer Eli Janney, these 14 songs are the follow-up to Fretwell’s Gold-selling debut of 2004, Magpie. To watch Glasswerk's personalized stream follow the link below.


Stephen Fretwell, was born in Scunthorpe in 1981, a fact that belies the maturity and worldliness of his song-writing. These days, he's mostly resident in Manchester, but he liked New York so much he decided to make his second album there. 'Man On The Roof' will surprise people. It's not as melancholy as Magpie, but it is just as beguiling. This means the lugubrious sway of Coney; the romantic The Ground Beneath Your Feet, “about redemption, about being saved by a woman”; while Funny Hat and William Shatner's Dog are both about the same person. Sleep and Coney concern adultery in body and mind respectively, while the couples in Bumper Cars and Darlin' Don't struggle to get past whatever first base is, but as Fretwell himself says, “it's pretty coded.”

Scunthorpe's finest is confirmed for the following festivals:

17th Aug: Edinburgh, T on The Fringe, link
18th Aug: Stafford, V Festival, link
19th Aug: Chelmsford, V Festival, link

For everything Fretwell check out his website: link

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