Nothing Rhymes with Orange - Billy the Kid
Album Review

Nothing Rhymes with Orange – Billy the Kid

‘Nothing Rhymes with Orange’ were brought up listening to a healthy diet of British music and list their influences as Oasis, The Verve, Stone Roses and The Smiths to name but a few.

With the above list of Northern England’s finest, you would think that ’Billy the Kid’ could be a musical masterpiece – Well you would think wrong. Although its easy listening and largely inoffensive it is hardly ground breaking and does nothing to reach out and grab you.
However, B-Side ‘Magnolia’ is a different prospect all together. ‘Carl Alamsy Coccaros’ vocals – sounding like a young Anthony Kiedis – are in tandem with a slower, softer, beautiful backing tune. My advice (other than come up with a better band name) would definitely be to use ‘Magnolia’.

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