How Young? !

I used to think that bands were starting young when they released tracks when they were nineteen or twenty, but now my view has been altered by a band that are fittingly called Tiny Masters of Today.

The band consists of two brothers aged eleven and thirteen. They have already used two different record labels; Tigertap Records and Mute Records. I think that achieving so much before puberty is pretty extreme. I mean, I am fourteen and write articles when I can, but these guys are composing and playing their own songs which is a hell of a lot harder to do!

They first started playing music in 2005 and released their first material in July 2006, a year and a half later.

And for a band with a combined age of 24, the music they play isn’t half bad.

You can check out some tracks at their myspace: link

Their debut album, Bang Bang Boom Cake which contains 13 tracks was released in late September.

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