Monday night saw the much-anticipated return of Welsh music legend MC Mabon to the airwaves of the land.

Having been overseas in Patagonia recording his latest album entitled ‘Jonesez and Willamamsez’, he is now back in the homeland with the album set for release on the 10th of December.

Hugh Stephens did the honours and interviewed Mr Mabon on his slot on Radio Cymru, asking questions about the recording and any plans he may have for the near future. Mabon told long tales of the recording out in Patagonia and how the album was finally completed in Wales over the past couple of months. Stephens debuted tracks from the new album as well as allowing MC to chose a couple of tracks himself, one being a new Jazz version of Mitsubishi by Y Rei.

MC Mabon also confirmed that he I currently putting a band together for live dates sometime in the New Year, he also detailed his love of the Sugarbabes and pop in general.

The new album is out on the 10th of December and should be purchased by everyone for themselves and as the perfect Christmas present for friends and family.

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