strings and trombones

It's not that I have an obsession with Art Brut, it's not like I've seen them twice this week already and am going to Northampton and Bradford to see further shows or anything… I just always seem to have a lot of fun at their shows.

The potential of this week's offerings had intrigued me for some time… a night with a string quartet and a night with a big band. Initial thoughts were that violins and such would be far more enjoyable to trumpets, but alas was proved wrong.

It wasnt just that the sound levels were better mixed last night and you could actually hear the brass, they just seemed better suited to Art Brut. I guess the string musicians were professionals “doing a job”. The “big band” were professionals also there to have a good time. And according to Eddie, knew how to drink as well! Perhaps for the first and last time ever, an Art Brut gig heard renditions of “Big Band Top of the Pops”.

Their current finale, a mish-mash of Good Weekend, Formed a Band and Top of the Pops is defintiely the highlight of their set, and on both nights the added instrumentation only complimented it, particularly last night's old brass.

They're never going to appeal to everyone, but the 1500 odd people who have seen them at ULU this week seemed anythign but disappointed. Third album in the pipeline? Are you ready Art Brut?

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