Tennents Give Power To The People

At long last Scotland’s passionate, loyal and vocal gig-goers are being given the chance to shape their own musical landscape with the launch of The Tennent’s Mutual – a brave new music venture developed by those saints over at Tennents Lager.

With a start-up fund of £150,000, founding members will select artists, debate locations for gigs and call the shots on ticket prices by interacting as a community and voting for their preferences online. Fans will also be able to decide democratically and collectively how the money is invested meaning they will ultimately create the The Tennent’s Mutual live programme which will begin in October/ November 2008.

Those who sign up before 30th June on link will be given founder member status and the right to vote on the ‘who, what, why, where?’ of all decisions.

Fans and industry insiders have been quick to give plaudits, none more so than Chemikal Underground mogul Stewart Henderson who said: “Generally speaking music has gone digital and you cant put the genie back in the bottle. This is a total watershed time that we’re living in at the moment. It will change things completely – irreversibly.” He continued, “What Tennents has done is they’ve effectively set themselves up as patrons. It’s a positive thing as it allows things to happen that may not have otherwise.”

To be part of The Tennent’s Mutual log on to link.

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