GIAN Introduces - Manchester Academy 3
Live Review

GIAN Introduces – Manchester Academy 3

The aim of the Give It A Name Introduces tour is to get the smaller bands, American and English, to play shows around the country for under £5, get them noticed before the actual festival, and gain publicity for the festival itself. This year it was different, proceeding the festival and with an entirely American line-up, and full of bands that are absolutely huge on the scene.

Manchester was Mayday Parade’s night to open up, and despite the early doors the Academy was rammed! They didn’t pull off a great set but the atmosphere was incredible and they were as excited as the crowd seemed, every word sung along and lots of ego boosting.

Four Year Strong took to the stage second, and the crowd was most probably the best crowd I’ve seen in Manchester. The band were tight, the sound wasn’t great but the energy made up for it, the huge mosh-pits and gang chants certainly showed that this band were not unheard of!

Meg and Dia were the main support, and really proved a point to the promoters that they had got it all wrong, aside from the fact that the majority of the audience had left, the atmosphere had died completely and the performance was just boring.

The Color Fred had to try and pick the show up, but didn’t succeed, it was unfortunate as they have some catchy songs but the atmosphere was so bad that you just felt embarrassed for them, it was very awkward!

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