Emily Maguire supports Blue Nile at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall 9th – 11th July

Emily Maguire will be supporting Blue Nile at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on 9th-11th July.

After struggling to overcome a near fatal car crash when she was 17 years old, which triggered off a chronic nervous system disorder, she learnt to play the guitar and started to pen her own songs. For 10 years she suffered with this pain; which on a bad day she couldn't even lift a cup a of tea! She then decided to visit a homeopath who prescribed her with a pill. Within one month of taking this pill, the pain was all gone! She decided on a whim to visit an old friend who happened to live in the remote Australian bush and decided to stay there, write and record her album 'Keep Walking'.

Emily currently lives in a shack built on 9 tree trunks with her friend. Her single of the same name is out 16th June.

Emily Maguire Myspace link

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