KHZ – Disconnected

KHZ are back after what seems like a long old time. And for a second album to take 3 years it is a long time. The all-important part is whether the wait has been worth it.
Well fans will not be dissappointed, as time seems to have stood still for KHZ. By that I mean they may as well have released this new album the day after the debut. Not much has changed in their style or production.

This is no bad thing if you liked the first album. The rock is still kicking and the vocals are still creeping and seducing. So what if ‘Disconnected’ seems more like ‘Reality on a Finer Scale Part II.’ You only feel it’s a pity as the band seemed so capable of doing such wonderful things on the first album that the second album would have naturally branched out and taken bolder moves.

That criticism out of the way, there is still so much to behold for another album that does indead rock the core. And again they have managed to cram in more songs than they probably needed in order to whet appitites. There are the fleeting moments of calmed beauty, musical inspiration, and then they will pick you up and throw you back into the pit of kicking metal.

What the band now has is a solid base of work with which to work on. A double whammy of tour material in their portfolio that is easilly going to blast stages that have the fortune to showcase this very talented band. The hope now will be that with their triple effect that they give it more of a focussed look into there stylistics so that they don’t end up a repeticious metal band. There is no reason why they should do this at all. They have a stamp that says KHZ all over it. Next time should be the time to play with their own conventions further.

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