Tapestry Festival Saved

The Tapestry Festival have announced that it has been saved from cancellation. It looked as though the festival would not be able to take place due to the rising costs of putting on this kind of event couple with the desire to keep the festival sponsor and corporate-free. But, at the last minute, the festival has been saved, albeit in reduced form.

The new mini-Tapestry Goes West festival will take place on the original dates of 8th – 9th August and will feature Kitty, Daisy And Lewis, Jim Jones Revue, The Beep Seals, Smokey Angle Shades, Circulus, The Tokyo Dragons, El Goodo, Wolf People, Danny And The Champions Of The World plus more tbc. The ticket price has been reduced to £30 plus a £5 per night camping fee (to be paid on site) for the outdoor types.

Hats off to the organizers who have done a fantastic job rescuing the festival.

Click here for further details link

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